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Email Dec. 19, 2015

your sister Mary

looks like you were not meant to live alone - anywhere in your whole house or life... the Universe works in mysterious ways, and so do those dogs - always very entertaining - thanks

Email Dec. 18, 2015


As alwaysπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Email Dec. 16, 2015


I almost live in these moments after reading a letter. I can't imagine the anxiety at your household. I also can't imagine the deep love coming from these animals...although I'm sure they all show it in different ways. I also wonder if they hold meetings
of their own while you are at work to see how they can torture you for the day :)

Email Dec. 7, 2015


This is almost as good as being there with you!! I look forward to reading more. You are awesomeness!

Email Dec. 7, 2015

Gary Minto

Cindi told me about your site! I very much am enjoying it, it's great entertainment overseas! Thanks for the laughs and thoughts!

Email Dec. 6, 2015

Steph williamson

Very cute

Email Dec. 5, 2015

Yvonne Spano Carlton

I have been looking forward to tgs blog. You are a great writer and I suspect that I will recommend this blog to several friends who seem to have the same issues you do. I appreciate you sharing this with all.

Email Dec. 5, 2015

Andrea Walrath

God Beth this is going to be the best blog ever

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