the gift that keeps on giving

Dec. 7, 2015

For those of you that don't know what these are, they're foxtail seeds.  They were in Sam's ears and accorning to the vet had been there for quite some time.  Like more than a year.  Coincidence that's the same amount of time I've been away from the ranch and no longer the caretaker of the White Dogs?  You decide.  But he's under my care now and I feel like I should have realized sooner that this was serious and not just a run of the mill ear infection.  I didn't ever notice any discharge, but since Mr. Smith takes his job as resident ear cleaner very seriously, it's not surprising that any discharge would have been cleaned up immediately *gags while typing*.

But, after anesthesia, clean up, take home antibiotics and pain meds, higher rates for a weekend urgent care clinic, and forking over $473, Sam is on the mend. I almost forgot the bonus finding! Both eardrums are ruptured. Thank god for credit cards with high limits.  Looks like ramen for a while. I'm kidding, thanks to my budgeting wizardry, I can take the hit.

Many thanks to Klamath and one of it's residents for making this adventure possible.  You really are the embodiment of a gift that keeps on giving.  

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